Friday, December 14, 2012

An Allergy Or Something Else?

Few years ago I had to deal with skin problems, that involved my lips, face (mostly skin around eyes), and my hands . I wonder if the symptoms were caused by the same factor.
     It all started about 7 years ago. My lips were very dry (Colorado’s fault?), I had to use chapstick (Lip smaker, no wonder I developed allergy). After using it for quite some times, I developed tingling sensation and my lips felt very uncomfortable. I switched to a different brand. Again, used it for some time… Ended up with the same symptoms. Switch brand again, symptoms developed even sooner and sooner. One time my lips swelled twice the size with yellow crust all over! Hydrocortisone 1% did the trick.  
     Meanwhile, about 3 years ago, my eyes became dry. I no long could wear contact lenses. Eye doctor proscribed me steroid drops, which work like a miracle for few days, than the nightmare began. I noticed the skin started peeling under one eye. I ignored it at first, and continued to use drops. The symptoms got worse. Skin on my cheeks and especially around eyes (crease and area under eyes) was very irritated, swollen, and kept peeling, eyes were sensitive. My lips were peeling just as much, any chapstick would give me a reaction, without chapstick there were getting super dry, painful and peeled even more. In the mean time, I got weird red dots on my heads that went away as soon as I stopped using moisturizer.
    There was no way cover all that peeling and swollen “beauty”, since makeup only made things worse. Dermatologist didn’t do much but proscribing topical steroids that only provided short term relief. Once I stop taking them, symptoms come back. Then I tired doxycycline for two weeks, not much difference either. Finally, I went to a cosmetologist, she gave facial creams, all natural, and with time I started getting better. I don’t know if it facial cream that helped, but the symptoms were slowly disappearing, the skin was getting better and better.
    Now, few years later, the only minor issue remaining is my lips. All I use is pure petroleum jelly, few times a day. If I won’t moisturize them, it will get sore and uncomfortable. On rare occasions I use lipstick and it doesn’t irritate but I don’t know what will happen if I will use it on daily basis. 

1 comment:

  1. I have adult acne, so I know a bit how you feel. Your symptoms are very interesting, I'm a little surprised your dermatologist didn't look further into it. Any Idea what was in the facial cream?
